I’ve previously written on the importance of web performance and that businesses should focus and prioritize performance over quick wins to boost sales or revenue. Often those can negatively impact the performance and user experience of a web application. Viewed more holistically, and accounting for the evolution of performance as a core indexing metric by Google, I thought it was important to revisit the topic of how integral web performance is to user experience, and the impacts businesses can make by focusing on performance.

To say the state of web performance optimization is at odds with the realm of Internet advertising may be a bit of an understatement. Content on the web in 2016 consists of a complex ecosystem of content monetization, marketing, user experience, data analytics, and programmatic advertising, among many other valuable but competing elements of business on the web. I’d like to share my perspective on the topic as a performance engineer.

After more than 10 wonderful years living in Atlanta my wife Jenny and I have decided to move home to West Virigina to be closer to our family. We both grew up in north central West Virginia — we want our kids to know the amazing environment we grew up loving. We have been talking about this move for nearly as long as we have lived in Georgia, now we’re setting our plans in motion. We should be completely relocated by early July.